Every once in a while we’re approached by an organisation that, pressed by circumstances beyond their control, requires a piece of work done really quickly. This was the case when we were recently asked to support Wallsend Children’s Community, an initiative of Save the Children UK, to write a new strategy.

Supporting charities to create strategic plans is core business here at Goodlabs, using a tried and tested ‘impact-first’ approach. Engaging stakeholder groups, holding away days and co-creating ambition statements, objectives and goals are all part of the process. What made this assignment different, and challenging, was fast-tracking the process to take place over a six-week period.

Fortunately, on this occasion we had the ability to make room in our schedule, and the client was impressively flexible too. A good deal of prep work had been done which we were able to quickly consolidate in order to gather pace and hit initial milestones. As the project progressed a real sense of momentum developed that led to some great ideas emerging as a result of synergies that might not have been achieved had we not been so against the clock.

The final draft of the strategy, which centred around 4 headline objectives linked to 11 organisational goals was ultimately signed off bang on time.

If you’d like to explore how we might help you with a new strategic plan drop a line to: strategy@goodlabs.uk